Nagle College 2023 VCE Results

We are delighted to commend our VCE and VCE Vocational Major students on their results and achievements this year.

Jodie Trewin

Marketing & Enrolments Officer


We are delighted to commend our VCE students on their results and achievements this year.

The outcomes for students were impressive for the 140 students studying Unit 3 & 4 of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and the 27 students studying the VCE Vocational Major. Students successfully completed the certificate gaining recognition for their consistent work and effort and are now looking forward to moving towards the next chapter of life and taking opportunities giving them access to a wide range of options for the future.

The acting principal of Nagle College, Mrs Gabrielle Costin said that she is proud of the achievements of the students and their approach to their learning program which embraces diverse pathways and offers a range of opportunities. We are particularly proud of the VCE VM students who have achieved notable success in the first year of the ‘One VCE’ program. For our students who aspire to the pursuit of tertiary study, we extend our congratulations for their unwavering dedication to studies. It was pleasing that 12% of students achieved an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) above 80. These scores were backed up by the whole student population with 74% achieving an ATAR over 50.

A special congratulations to our 2023 College VCE Dux, Jasmine Webster who achieved an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) of 92.05. Jasmine plans to commence studies to become a Primary School Teacher after enjoying a short break. Congratulations also to our 2023 Vocational Major Dux, Taylor Atkinson who has been an exemplary student and scored well on the range of employability skills. She is moving into a Camps Assistant role at Nagle College in 2024. Well done on these outstanding achievements.

It was pleasing to see many students achieving study scores over 40 across a range of subjects. These subjects included Food Studies, Biology, Health and Human Development, English, Business Management, Legal Studies and VET Sport and Recreation.

Students who undertook applied learning programs through the Vocational Major have achieved outstanding outcomes with many students gaining employment, apprenticeships and traineeships. An engaging and challenging applied learning program has prepared and equipped students with the skills to make an effective transition into the workplace.

The College is always looking to improve student performances by giving them every opportunity to achieve as well as they possibly can. Nagle College students have a strong track record of forging successful pathways in further education, training and employment once they finish secondary schooling – and the 2023 group can look forward confidently to taking up opportunities to secure their future options.

Mrs Costin said, “I would like to offer my sincere thanks and congratulations to the teachers and education support staff who have worked as a team to help the students achieve their best over the past 6 years. I also acknowledge the educational partnership shared with families, students and all staff at Nagle College. We should all be incredibly proud. “

Congratulations to all Nagle College students for their significant achievements throughout 2023. Let your light shine.

VCE and VCE VM Dux
