Year 9
Our Year 9 program equips students with the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to fully engage with the social and technological environment of the future. Our course offerings are diverse, engaging and develop our students’ critical and creative thinking while enhancing their ability to work independently and collaboratively. Students are encouraged to use class and private time productively so that they may become effective and independent learners who are able to identify and overcome difficulties. Students are also encouraged to become aware of their learning styles so they may develop a favourable view of learning, set performance standards and take ownership of their education. This will provide a valuable foundation as they transition to senior school.
Course structure
Year 9 students take core subjects (Religious Education, English, Maths, Sport) throughout the year. Students must also select a Pathways unit and a Health unit. An additional 14 electives from Humanities, Science, Health and Physical Education, Arts, Language, Technology, Religious Education and Interdisciplinary areas can be selected.
National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy
All Year 9 Nagle students are assessed annually using common national tests in Reading, Writing, Language Conventions (Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation) and Numeracy.