Student Enhancement and Enrichment Department

Every student is unique which is why we cater for mixed abilities. Nagle teachers prepare classes and set work tasks mindful of the differing ability levels within classes. All of our students are encouraged to work to achieve their full potential. Some students may require additional assistance within the classroom, while others may, at times, be withdrawn to work in small groups. Students who require extension are strongly encouraged and supported in entering many and varied competitions in their preferred subject areas.

A range of support programs are in place to enable our students to work to their full potential.

    Support Programs

    At Nagle College, we place emphasis on the educational, spiritual, emotional and social development of our students. We endeavour to provide each student with a quality learning environment where they can achieve success. Student Enrichment aims to assist in the delivery of programs that enable each individual student to access all aspects of the curriculum.

    In consultation with teachers, and the use of diagnostic testing results, students who would benefit from extension work are identified. These students work on a modified program that has been developed by the subject teacher. Other extension programs take place outside the classroom.

    Students in Year 7 to 8 are offered literacy support and enhancement programs, which are withdrawal programs. Classroom support is also available for students across all age ranges. The College proudly offers study support, Maths Club and a Homework Centre for all students.

    Students are provided the opportunity to compete in a number of subject competitions such as the National Mathematics Competition, the National History Challenge, Australian Science Olympiads and more.

    Classroom Aides: Education Support Officers

    Student Enrichment is facilitated through the development of Individual Learning Programs designed to take into consideration the needs of individuals. SEED Programs assist a number of students in different subject areas to complete modified curriculum tasks. The SEED Coordinator is responsible for working with the individual subject teachers and Educational Support Officers (ESOs) to develop programs that enable individual students to maximise their educational potential.

    Nagle Students have access to both individual and group sessions that are designed to complement the classroom courses of study. Much of the modified work takes place within the classroom setting with only a small number of students given the opportunity to work in the SEED classroom for more intense individual assistance.

    "It was fun watching the Grade 1's at St Mary's get excited about science."

    - Year 8 Enhanced Science Program