Students are supported and encouraged to think about how their individual personality, abilities and interests relate to career goals and life after Nagle College. Finding a career path can be overwhelming for students which is why we offer support and guidance during each stage of their academic journey.

Pathways Program by Year Level

Year 9 Pathways Program introduces students to the concept of vocational preparation and employability skills. Students learn to prepare a resume and write a job application letter. The rights and responsibilities of employees are investigated and students are made aware of safe work practices. Course options and pathways for Year 10 are discussed, including VCE and VET options.

The Pathways Program offered to Year 10 students takes place during Senior Assembly periods throughout the year. Students are divided into their House groups and a teacher is appointed as their mentor. The mentor takes the group through a number of career-based activities and works with the students individually as they make decisions about Years 11 and 12.

Students in Year 11, now underway in VCE, VET or VCAL pathway, continue to be supported by their mentor during Senior Assembly periods. One-on-one and group support continues as they undertake the Year 12 subject selection process. Additionally, students begin to attend career and tertiary education expos.

Pathways support for Year 12 students continues by providing opportunities to visit Career and Tertiary Education Expos. Additionally, students are supported with College and University applications, work experience, and more, to ensure as smooth a transition as possible to further studies or employment.

Careers Website

Students and families are also supported through our Nagle College Careers Website which contains course information for University, TAFE or other post-secondary institutions, information about the VCE, job vacancies and more.

Visit our Careers Website

Careers Newsletter

Weekly Career News provides students with information on career options, Universities, employment opportunities and more. It also lists important application deadlines, open house dates, and more.

Weekly Career News