Astrophysics Research at Swinburn

Sol Basset- Albert, Maddy Goranitis and Bede Lulham joined forces with astrophysicists in a team led by Professor Jeff Cooke from Swinburne University to find Transients (short and powerful of bursts of energy).

A passion for learning, maturity and scientific knowledge were evident when three Year 9 Nagle students took part in active research at Swinburne University of Technology in Hawthorn from Tuesday 29 August to Sunday 4 September.

Sol Basset- Albert, Maddy Goranitis and Bede Lulham joined forces with astrophysicists in a team led by Professor Jeff Cooke from Swinburne University. Their mission: to find Transients, or short and powerful of bursts of energy. This project involved streaming live data from Chile then analysing it for interesting potential transients. Over 90 telescopes, including some in orbit world-wide, were on stand-by to focus attention on a particularly interesting source. Even though the source might only appear for a millisecond, the delay involved in longer wavelengths reaching earth allowed suitable telescopes time to response and still catch the elusive signal.

The student trio did find a gamma ray burst (GRB) and fast radio bursts (FRBs). Their dedication, quickness and professionalism astounded the team of scientists who were universally enthusiastic in their praise of the students.

The students appreciated very much the inclusive atmosphere and extraordinary learning experience.
