1200 results for ""
- Home
- Page Modules
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- Explore Our School (Virtual Tour)
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- News & Events
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- Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme
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- Learning Pathways/Careers
- Music
- Sport
- Employment
- Submission Successful
- Email successfully verified
- Why Choose a Catholic School?
- Year 7 Parent Information Evening
- Triathlon Carnival
- Athletics Carnival
- 2024 Enrolment Applications Due
- School Photo Day
- Founders' Day
- Nagle's Got Talent - Photography and Digital Art Competitions
- Annual Music Concert
- Years 8, 9 and 10 return
- Elevate Parent Evening (Years 11 and 12)
- Last day of Term 1
- Pupil-free day (Report Writing)
- Term 2 Commences
- Last day of Term 2
- Term 3 Commences
- Last day of Term 3
- Term 4 Commences
- Last day of Term 4
- Nagle Reception Closes
- Andrew Long
- Tania Holmes
- Amanda Vowell
- Skye Smith
- Koorie Education
- Test Page
- Neville Powles
- Rhonda Lawrance
- Second-hand Uniform Shop Open
- Second-hand Uniform Shop Open
- Second-hand Uniform Shop Open
- Second-hand Uniform Shop Open
- Second-hand Uniform Shop Open
- Second-hand Uniform Shop Open
- Second-hand Uniform Shop Open
- Second-hand Uniform Shop Open
- Second-hand Uniform Shop Open
- Second-hand Uniform Shop Open
- Ellen Pini
- Duncan Fisher
- Duncan Fisher and Ellen Pini
- Subject and Pathways Expo
- 2025 Enrolment Applications
- Ella Groves
- Canteen
- Pupil-free day
- Melbourne Cup Day
- Pupil-free day (report writing)
- Promotion to 2023 classes begins
- Presentation Ceremony
- Year 12 Graduation Day
- First Day for Year 7s
- Year 7 Welcome Information
- Neal Wilson Music Scholarship Applications Close
- Francis De Sales Learning Centre
- Neville Powles
- Year 8 Welcome Information
- Year 9 Welcome Information
- Year 10 Welcome Information
- Year 11 Welcome Information
- Year 12 Welcome Information
- 2024 Year 7 Orientation Day
- Charism and Coffee
- Event Registration Form
- Prospectus Request Form
- General Enrolment Enquiry Form
- Test Page Enquiry Tracker - Event Registration
- Test Page Enquiry Tracker - Prospectus Request
- Test Page Enquiry Tracker - General Enquiry
- Sharon Williams
- Latest News
- Jodie Trewin
- Nagle News : Nagle College Newsletter
- Principal Tours (Twilight Tour)
- Principal Tours (Morning Tour)
- Principal Tours (Morning Tour)
- Principal Tours (Twilight Tour)
- Principal Tours (Twilight Tour)
- Principal Tours (Morning Tour)
- Principal Tours (Twilight Tour)
- Principal Tours (Morning Tour)
- Principal Tours (Twilight Tour)
- Principal Tours (Morning Tour)
- Annual Report
- Pre-Employment Disclosure Questionnaire
- Teaching Positions in Semester 2, 2025
- Teacher - VCE Physics / Year 7-10 Science
- Nagle College Campus Tours
- Nagle College Campus Tours
- Nagle College Campus Tours
- Nagle College Campus Tours
- Nagle College Campus Tours
- Discover Nagle
- Administration Officer - Student Attendance & Excursion Preparation
- Personal Assistant to Strategic Leadership Team
- School Nurse
- Audio Visual Technician and ICT Network Support
- Logo Header Text
- Logo colour name Curves 01
- Nagle DNA Header Logo
- Nagle College Bairnsdale 240
- DSC 1257
- Principal
- Science Yr9
- Materials Yr8
- Music
- Religious Education
- Science Yr12
- Visual Art
- ANZAC humanities
- General Page Module Examples and Inclusions
- DSC 1249
- Nagle College Bairnsdale 091
- Nagle DNA Header Logo larger
- Alt Photo technology Centre
- ANZAC Service Gift
- Bushtucker Yr9
- Humanities Yr9
- Math
- Outdoor Ed
- Swim Carnival
- 2020 Camp 6
- Music_2019_3
- Pastoral
- Triathlon
- Nagle College Logo
- ADMIN 100 100 s
- Nc mylearning 150 43 75 s
- Nc mymail 150 45 75 s
- PAM 100 100 s
- Nagle DNA reverse
- DOSCEL Application for Enrolment
- DOSCEL Enrolment Handbook
- Music_2019_1
- Music_2019_2
- Music_2020_1
- 2020 Camp 5
- 2020 Camp 1
- 2020 Camp 4
- 2020 Camp 3
- 2020 Camp 2
- 2020 Camp Header
- Landcare2
- Outdoor Rowing
- Trangia Pot
- 3
- 4
- 7
- Duke of Ed Header
- DSC 4124
- IMG 4350
- IMG 0996
- IMG 1005
- IMG 3133
- IMG 3160
- 20191002raaf8161479 018
- 2
- DSC 0616
- DSC 0610
- DSC 0617
- DSC 0626
- DSC 0634
- DSC 0635
- DSC 0645
- DSC 1106
- DSC 0919
- DSC 0918
- DSC 0105
- DSC 0124
- IMG 0131
- DSC 1215
- DSC 1251
- DSC 0815
- DSC 0571
- DSC 0228
- IMG 0832
- 20190503 1406570
- 20190517 120738
- 20191017 142357
- 20191022 095012
- DSC 0386
- DSC 0753
- DSC 1418
- DSC 1416
- 2022 Curriculum Handbook
- DSC 0671
- IMG 1710
- DSC 0256
- DSC 0262
- P1040864
- P1040943
- DSC 0890
- DSC 0765
- DSC 0949
- 20190313 145412
- DSC 0833
- IMG 0309 002
- Maragaret Brannigan
- Maragaret Brannigan2
- Maragaret Brannigan3
- Maragaret Brannigan4
- Student1
- P38 1978 Construction
- P38 1978 Students outside Maths rooms
- 1978 Exploring new building
- 1978 Library
- 1978 Up stairs RE Dept
- 1979 Opening plaque
- Construction 3
- P37 1983 Sleeping Beauty Stage
- Master Plan Print Files Page 1
- Master Plan Print Files Page 2
- Master Plan Print Files Page 3
- Master Plan Print Files Page 4
- Master Plan Print Files Page 5
- Master Plan Print Files Page 6
- Houses
- Avila Shield
- Bosco Shield
- Chisholm Shield
- Mac Killop Shield
- Newman Shield
- Polding Shield
- Xavier Shield
- DSC 1128
- DSC 1130
- DSC 1131
- DSC 1134
- DSC 1136
- DSC 1137
- DSC 1141
- DSC 1142
- DSC 1145
- DSC 1148
- DSC 1150
- Student Leadership Brochure
- DSC 0772
- Artboard 1
- Nagle College Bairnsdale 017
- Nagle College Bairnsdale 017
- Pastoral Heart
- Wellbeing Booklet
- DSC 1075
- DSC 0332
- Canteen Volunteer Form
- Nagle College Guide
- IMG 9035
- DSC 0579
- Canteen Price List Term 4
- DSC 0583
- DSC 1029
- DSC 1435
- Uniform Guidelines
- DSC 0058
- DSC 1218
- Tania Toni Harley
- Weekly Career News
- DSC 1107
- Holmes Tania 17 17561
- 15235 Andrew Long
- Vowell Amanda 18 30552
- P1040861
- P1040897
- P1040928
- IMG 3247
- 20190530 142330
- 20190530 145515
- Learning Support Officer November 2020
- Application for Employment 1
- Wattle_News
- Wattle
- Seeds in space
- Onegiantleap
- writeabook
- DSC 0293
- Dysons Eastwood 2
- Bus Application Form
- Carrisons Town Bus Timetable
- Dysons Eastwood 1
- Orbost Bus Timetable
- Conveyance Form
- Bus Travel Information Sheet
- Wy Yung Timetable
- DSC 1022
- DSC 1045
- DSC 1059
- 20190626 100110
- 20190626 120405
- 20190627 114947
- 20190627 115934
- DSC 0375
- DSC 0347
- Alfie brady
- Elders visit
- Lee Darroch
- DSC01944
- DSC01947
- Classroom Teacher 16 08 2019
- Br Noel
- 1963 opening sitting crowd with nuns and priests
- DSC 1435
- DSC 0249
- DSC 1249
- DSC 1505
- DSC 0534
- DSC 0537
- DSC 0546
- DSC 0553
- DSC 0559
- DSC 0562
- DSC 0564
- DSC 0568
- DSC 0534
- DSC 0915
- DSC 0731
- DSC 0984
- DSC 0987
- DSC 0988
- DSC 0990
- DSC 0991
- DSC 0995
- DSC 0998
- DSC 1006
- DSC 1009
- DSC 1017
- DSC 1103
- DSC 1106
- Pini Ellen 20 28902
- Fisher Duncan 20 29142
- DSC 0508
- DSC 1117
- Expression of Interest Form Instrumental Music Program
- Be The Difference 2021
- Artboard 1 copy
- Artboard 1 copy 2
- Artboard 1
- M Itchell river 12
- Mitchell River Excursion 2
- Mitchell River Excursion 3
- Mitchell River Excursion 6 jpg
- Mitchell River Excursion 9
- DSC 1293
- DSC 1294
- DSC 1298
- DSC 1300
- DSC 1302
- DSC 1303
- DSC 1309
- DSC 1310
- DSC 1312
- DSC 1313
- DSC 1315
- DSC 1317
- DSC 1318
- DSC 1323
- Photo 1
- Photo 2
- AAA 2804
- AAA 2808
- AAA 2813
- AAA 2818
- AAA 2819
- AAA 2829
- AAA 2836
- AAA 2837
- AAA 2839
- AAA 2842
- AAA 2844
- AAA 2846
- AAA 2848
- AAA 2855
- AAA 2863
- AAA 2864
- AAA 2865
- AAA 2867
- AAA 2868
- AAA 2872
- AAA 2873
- Alivia
- Alivia2
- Antje
- Antje2
- Huddo
- Renae
- Artboard 1 copy 2
- DSC 0191
- DSC 0176
- DSC 0178
- DSC 0180
- DSC 0182
- DSC 0184
- DSC 0186
- DSC 0188
- IMG 7565
- IMG 7520
- IMG 7495
- IMG 7496
- IMG 7506
- IMG 7507
- IMG 7545
- IMG 7558
- IMG 7562
- IMG 7572
- IMG 7580
- IMG 7592
- IMG 7596
- IMG 7615
- IMG 7616
- IMG 7625
- IMG 7627
- Position Description Special Education Learning Diversity Coordinator
- Groundsperson Maintenance Officer May 2021
- Year9 Eco Warriors
- Year9 Eco Warriors 2
- DSC 0211
- Student Counsellor
- DSC 1409
- Aiden and Lauren classroom photo
- Beth Push Up Photo
- Tracey Push Up Image
- Artboard 100
- Nagle College Bairnsdale 088
- Bradley Jessica 21 30270
- Terry Brendan 21 30202
- Artboard 100
- Mc Mahon Brylee 21 30172
- DSC 0905
- Groves Ella 20 31054
- Flying Foxes
- Picnic Point
- River Planting
- DSC 0921
- Artboard 1 copy
- Artboard 1 copy 2
- 1
- 2
- 4
- 6
- 7
- DSCF4672
- Mens Mental Health Poster
- Senior School Coordinator Year 11 and 12 06 2021
- Middle School Coordinator Year 9 and 10 06 2021
- Junior School Coordinator Year 7 and 8 06 2021
- P1011057a
- DSC 0286
- 1 Ellie Smeal 1
- 1 Meg Perry samurai ora
- 1 Amelie Claringbold Year 8 Bosco polarr 2
- 1 Maggie Anderson 2
- 1 Emily Vines 3
- 1 Michael Dunstan River
- 1 Ava Walker 1
- 1 Grace Mc Kenna 2b
- 1 Emily Pendergast Swan
- 1 Emma Patterson
- 1 ava aly mehlert polding P2 image 2
- 1 Ned Nugent Brown 1
- 1 Amity Phelan pig
- 1 Georgia Goodall 4
- 1 Grace Mc Kenna 2
- AmityPhelan_Pig
- MaggieAnderson_2chooks
- NGT 2021
- NGT 2021 header
- Rhys Seikman
- Sophie Mc Grath 2
- 1 Talia Brown 1
- Henry Moors
- Sikha stafford
- 1 Brylee Mc Mahon 1
- 1 Brylee Mc Mahon 3
- 1 Chelsea Beechey 1
- 1 Phillip Pendergast Sunset Metung
- 1 Jade Cupitt 1
- Soleil Levings starfish
- 1 Dayle Mitchellson Twigg 3
- 1 Joshua Carter 1
- Phillip Pendergast Milky Way Straightened
- Chelsea Filmer Teddy robin
- TrinityThompson
- B Aliacia Bishop Xavier boy
- Connor Overy digital art Xavier
- Golden Key Collection 3 Eloise Ridder Strickland B
- Phillip Pendergast On shells Newman
- Step
- Ellie Smeal 3
- Ellie Smeal2
- 1 Mia Joiner bemm river
- Amelie Claringbold Year 8 Bosco 1
- Amelie Claringbold Year 8 Bosco
- Hunter Settle fin computer
- H Unter Settle fire
- Maggie Anderson 3
- Maggie Anderson
- Mia Joiner
- Mia Joiner cow
- Emily Morton 1
- Emily Morton 2
- Emily Morton 3
- Emily Vines 1
- Emily Vines 2
- Emily Vines 5
- Maichael Dunstan Kayak
- Ava Walker 2
- Ava Walker 3
- Grace Mc Kenna 1
- Grace Mc Kenna 3
- Deborah Griffiths 1
- Deborah Griffiths 3
- Emily Pendergast Crab
- Emily Pendergast Snag
- Allie Eenjes 1
- Allie Eenjes 3
- Ava aly mehlert polding P2 image 1
- Ava aly mehlert polding P2 image 3
- Lani Whateley 1
- Lani Whateley 2
- Lani Whateley 3
- Ned Nugent Brown 2
- Ned Nugent Brown 3
- Sonia Yomo 1
- Sonia Yomo 2
- Sonia Yomo 3
- AJ Manuell cliffs
- AJ Manuell Sunset
- Alex Hamilton falls in cairns
- Alex Hamilton sunset moon
- Ali Holmes
- Amity Phelan ocean
- Amity Phelan sunrise
- Ashleah wolfe Mewett 7
- Connor Graham river small
- Elaina Wolfe 3
- Elaina Wolfe 2
- Ellie Wolfe Photo 1
- Emily Pendergast Yr8 1
- Emily Pendergast Yr8 2
- Emily Pendergast Yr8 3 JPG
- Emily Pendergast Yr8 4
- Georgia Goodall 2
- Georgia Goodall 3
- Harrison Connley
- Ollie Simpson daisy
- Sophie Mc Grath 1
- Chelsea Filmer Koala
- Chelsea Filmer Teddy the Pony
- Eloise Ridder Strickland
- Henry Moors 1
- Henry Moors 2
- Talia Brown 2
- Talia Brown 3
- Brylee Mc Mahon 2
- Chelsea Beechey 2
- Chelsea Beechey 3
- 1 Soleil Levings conran
- Jade Cupitt
- Soleil Levings greece
- 1 Joshua Carter 2
- 1 Lucia Collins 2
- Connor Overy
- Dayle Mitchellson Twigg 2
- Dayle Mitchellson Twigg
- Ellie Wolfe Photo 2
- Ellie Wolfe Photo 3
- Joshua Carter 3
- Lucia Collins 1
- Lucia Collins 3
- Sunanda Browne smile
- Sunanda Browne sunset dream shot
- Sunanda Browne teddy love
- Tyler Overy
- RUOK FB Wallpaper copy
- Duncan
- Molly
- Renae
- Soleil
- Image0
- Image1
- Image2
- Kangaroo
- Picture2
- Picture3
- Picture4
- Weaving
- Weaving2
- Sewing kit 5063401 1920
- Fashion Drawing
- Fashion Drawing2
- Fashion Drawing3
- Art 1851483 1920
- N Corby 1
- N Corby 3
- A Grassby 1
- A Grassby 2
- A Wenn 2
- A Wenn 3
- A Wenn 4
- A Wenn 6
- A Wenn 8
- A Wenn
- C Filmer 6
- C Filmer 7
- C Forrester 1
- C Forrester 2
- C Forrester 3
- C Higgins 1
- C Higgins 2
- Dakota Hardy
- E Pini 1
- E Pini 2
- H Grandy
- Innika Stevenson
- K Dykes 1
- K Dykes 2
- K Dykes 3
- M Bannister 2
- M Bannnister
- S Levings 2
- S O Sullivan 1
- S O Sullivan 4
- S O Sullivan 5
- S O Sullivan 6
- S O Sullivan 7
- Seattle Scott 1
- Seattle Scott 2
- T Overy 1
- Talia Brown 1
- Talia Brown 2
- Class of 2021 Photo collage
- Class of 2021 Photo collage web
- Bannister Molly 21 29088a
- Corby Nell 20 29792
- Filmer Chelsea 20 28971
- Forrester Claire 20 29781
- Grassby Alice 20 29171
- Hardy Dakota 20 29314
- O Sullivan Sunday 20 29130
- Scott Seattle 20 29155
- Stevenson Innika 20 28882
- Brown Talia 20 32689
- Wenn Alex 20 29162
- Dykes Keeley 20 29042
- Grandy Hudson 20 28897
- Levings Soleil 20 28815
- Pini Ellen 20 28902
- Higgins Chloe 20 29103
- Overy Tyler 20 28910
- Year 11 media students working
- YR11 Studio Arts
- H Grandy 2
- C Higgins 2
- T Overy 2 Poster
- DSC 0042
- Uniform options
- DSC 0742
- Powles Neville
- Administration Assistant Curriculum
- Technology Aid Food Textiles 11 20
- Direct Debit Form
- Vaccine Program
- Year 7 Vaccine Program Consent Form
- Medication authority form for student medication kept in Student Reception
- CSEF application form
- Bus Contract Private Nagle
- Laptop Program Letter
- Position Description Cleaner May 2020
- Facebook Wallpaper
- Website Event header
- Canteen Coordinator
- Website Event header
- Call to action banner website
- DSC 0757
- Summer2021
- Summer2022
- Spring2021
- Autumn2021
- Artboard 100
- DSC 0146
- DSC 0402
- Write a book in a day
- Administration Supervisor Position Description
- House Captain
- Senior House Captain
- Student Leadership Action Team
- 2023 Curriculum Handbook
- Student Leadership Brochure
- DSC 0238
- DSC 0918
- DSC 0919
- DSC 0920
- DSC 0921
- DSC 0922
- DSC 0923 Copy
- DSC 0924
- DSC 1193
- DSC 0111
- DSC 1224
- 3
- DSC 1209
- DSC 1194
- DSC 1195
- DSC 1198
- DSC 1201
- DSC 1202
- DSC 1203
- DSC 1204
- DSC 1206
- Deputy Principal Pastoral 06 2022
- Library Services Coordinator 06 2021
- Subject Learning Leader 06 2021
- Applying for university courses Victoria 2023
- Taylor Brunt yr7 Digital
- Avila-TaylorBrunt
- Kate Roberts Year 9 Bosco
- Mikayla Holland 2
- Mikayla Holland dog jpg
- Photo Entry Grace Mckenna
- Digital Arts Entry Grace Mc Kenna
- Brendan Thompson 2
- Brendan Thompson
- Emily Morton 9 Chisholm
- Emily Morton Y 9 C
- Emily Morton Year 9 C
- Emily Morton Year 9 Chisholm
- Harry Bingley
- Year 8 Ashleah Wolfe 2
- Year 8 Ashleah Wolfe
- Indy Toomey Digital
- Victoria Collins Digital
- Ava Aly Mehlert Digital
- Emma mitchell A5
- Emma mitchell A5 Yr9
- Meg Perry 2
- Meg Perry
- Sophie Mc Grath 2
- Sophie Mc Grath
- Cohen Mc Lellan Digital 2
- Cohen Mc Lellan Digital
- Elise Mc Kay 2
- Elise Mc Kay
- Henry Moors
- Jack Simmons 1
- Jack Simmons 2
- Maggie Anderson 2
- Maggie Anderson
- Eloise Ridder Strickland digital
- Eloise Ridder Strickland digital
- Jemma Hopkinson C 12digital
- Jemma Hopkinson digital
- Melody Tomkins Bright Canyon Walk
- Samantha Herbert
- Emily L Pendergast Newman 10
- Emily L Pendergast Newman N6 Year 10
- Allie Eenjes 2
- Allie Eenjes 3
- Allie Eenjes Digital
- Amity Phelan 2
- Amity Phelan 2
- Amity Phelan
- Dayle Mitchelson Twigg Xavier 4 year 12
- Deklan Tuck Lee 3
- Deklan Tuck lee X2 year 12
- Dylan Overy 1
- Dylan Overy 2
- Georgia Goodall Yr9 2
- Harrison Connley
- Joshua Carter Yr 11 X5
- Joshua Carter Yr 11
- Lukash Spakova Paul 1
- Lukash Spakova Paul 2
- Sunanda Browne Y12
- Sunanda Browne
- Ali Holmes 1
- Ali Holmes 3
- Alicia Boshop
- Connor Overy Digital
- Georgia Goodall Yr9 Digital
- Open Day Calendar 20 Aug 11 Sep 2022
- IMG 5719
- Accounts Receivable and Administration Officer 2022
- DSC 0773
- 2021 Annual Report
- Administration Officer Library Technician
- Learning Diversity Coordinator Year 7 9 11 2021
- Picture1
- Picture2
- Science web jpg
- DSC 0460
- DSC 0602
- Dux Image
- Administration Officer Reception
- Administration Officer Student Reception
- Request for Tender Cleaning Services Nagle College February 2023
- Camp Coordinator March 2023
- Acceptable Use of ICT Policy
- Anaphylaxis Management Policy
- Anti Bullying and Bullying Prevention Policy Students
- Behaviour Management Policy
- Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
- Commitment Statement to Child Safety
- CCTV Policy
- Complaints and Grievances Management Policy
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Critical Incident Management Policy
- Cyber Safety Policy
- Duty of Care Policy
- Enrolment Policy
- First Aid Policy
- Health Care Needs Policy
- Health Care Needs Guidelines
- Mandatory Reporting Policy
- Health Safety and Wellbeing Policy
- Off site Supervision of Students Policy
- On Site Supervision of Students Policy
- Pastoral Care Policy
- Privacy Policy
- Privacy Collection Notice
- Protection of Children Anti Grooming Policy
- Protection of Children Failure to disclose policy
- Protection of Children Failure to Protect Policy
- Responding to Anaphylaxis Policy
- Safe and Sound Guidelines Occupational Violence
- School Attendance Policy
- Sexual Consent Disclosure and School Obligations
- Social Media Policy
- Whistleblower Policy
- Workplace Equal Opportunity Policy
- Volunteers Policy
- Child Safety Code of Conduct
- Parent Guardian and Carer Code of Conduct
- Student Code of Conduct
- School Fee Policy
- 2024 Curriculum Handbook
- 2022 Annual Report
- Complaint Handling Procedure
- Digital Learning Policy
- Taylor Brunt - Yr 8 - Digital - Avila
- Ashtyn Bowman - Yr 11 - Digital - Avila
- Ashtyn Bowman - Yr 11 - Avila
- Ashtyn Bowman - Yr 11 - Avila
- Charlie Hutchinson - Yr 12 - Avila
- Charlie Hutchinson - Yr 12 - Avila
- Cohen McLellan - Yr 12 - Digital - Avila
- Cohen McLellan - Yr 12 - Digital - Avila
- Cooper Cameron - Yr 10 - Digital - Avila
- Emma Mitchell - Yr 10 - Avila
- Emma Mitchell - Yr 10 - Avila
- Jasper Martin - Yr 10 - Avila
- Jasper Martin - Yr 10 - Avila
- Lee Keys - Yr 11 - Avila
- Lee Keys - Yr 11 - Avila
- Meg Perry - Yr 11 - Avila
- Meg Perry - Yr 11 - Avila
- ZAILEY MCLELLAN - Yr 10 - Avila
- ZAILEY MCLELLAN - Yr 10 - Avila
- Alyssa Holland - Yr 7 - Bosco
- Alyssa Holland - Yr 7 - Avila
- Elizabeth Gray - Yr 9 - Bosco
- Elizabeth Gray - Yr 9 - Bosco
- Elizabeth Gray - Yr 9 - Bosco
- Mikayla Holland - Yr 9 - Bosco
- Mikayla Holland - Yr 9 - Bosco
- Sebastian Gray - Yr 7 - Bosco
- Sebastian Gray - Yr 7 - Bosco
- Sebastian Gray - Yr 7 - Bosco
- Crystal Williams - Yr 12 - Bosco
- Crystal Williams - Yr 12 - Bosco
- Elise McKay - Yr 10 - Bosco
- Elise McKay - Yr 10 - Bosco
- Maggie Anderson - Yr 11 - Bosco
- Maggie Anderson - Yr 11 - Bosco
- Maggie Anderson - Yr 11 - Bosco
- Puy Murika - yr 12 - Bosco
- Puy Murika - Yr12 - Bosco
- Sarah Apro - Yr 10 - Digital - Bosco
- Sarah Apro - Yr 10 - Digital - Bosco
- Kasey Summerfield - Yr 9 - Chisholm
- Kasey Summerfield - Yr 9 - Chisholm
- Liya Maria Joseph - Yr 9 - Chisholm
- Liya Maria Joseph - Yr 9 - Chisholm
- Liya Maria Joseph -Yr 9 - Digital - Chisholm
- Liya Maria Joseph - Yr 9 - Digital - Chisholm
- Trinity Thompson - Yr 9 - Chisholm
- Trinity Thompson - Yr 9 - Digital - Chisholm
- Trinity Thompson - Yr 9 - Chisholm
- Brendan Thompson - Yr 10 - Chisholm
- Brendan Thompson - Yr 10 - Chisholm
- Elyse Mansfield - Yr 11 - Digital - Chisholm
- Elyse Mansfield - Yr 11 - Digital - Chisholm
- Emily Kim - Yr 11 - Digital - Chisholm
- Hannah Ash - Yr 12 - Chisholm
- Michael Dunstan - Yr 11 - Chisholm
- Michael Dunstan - Yr 11 - Chisholm
- Grace McKenna - Yr 9 - Mackillop
- Grace McKenna - Yr 9 - Mackillop
- Jill McKenna - Yr 7 - Mackillop
- Jill McKenna - Yr 9 - Mackillop
- Maddy Gorantis - Yr 10 - Digital - Mackillop
- Isabella Foo - Yr 11 - Mackillop
- Isabella Foo - Yr 11 - Mackillop
- Isabella Foo - Yr 11 - Mackillop
- Isabella Foo - Yr 11 - Mackillop
- Lucy Mc Guinn - Yr 11 - Mackillop
- Lucy Mc Guinn - Yr 11 - Mackillop
- Victoria Collins - Yr 10 - Mackillop
- Ashley Storer - Yr 8 - Newman
- Ashley Storer - Yr 8 - Newman
- Isla Campbell - Yr 7 - Newman
- Isla Campbell - Yr 7 - Newman
- Lexie O'Brien - Yr 7 - Newman
- Lexie O'Brien - Yr 7 - Digital - Newman
- Lexie O'Brien - Yr 8 - Newman
- Madeline Thomson - Yr 9 - Digital - Newman
- Madeline Thomson - Yr 9 - Newman
- Taylor Dennet - Yr 7 - Newman
- Taylor Dennet - Yr 7 - Newman
- Analise Stephenson - Yr 12 - Newman
- Emily Penderast - Yr 11 - Digital - Newman
- Emily Penderast - Yr 11 - Newman
- Emily Pendergast - Yr 11 - Newman
- Peter Tink - Yr 11 - Digital - Newman
- Jobe Paliew - Yr 11- Avila
- Abbey Vernon - Yr 7 - Polding
- Amelee Anderson - Yr 7 - Polding
- Amelee Anderson - Yr 7 - Polding
- Ayla Seymour - Yr 7 - Polding
- Ayla Seymour - Yr 7 - Polding
- Ayla Seymour - Yr 7 - Polding
- Allie Eenjes - Yr 10 - Digital - Polding
- Allie Eenjes - Yr 10 - Polding
- Allie Eenjes - Yr 10 - Polding
- Allie Eenjes - Yr 10 -Digital - Polding
- Banjo Nugent Brown - Yr 10 - Polding
- Mia Chapman - Yr 11 - Polding
- Mia Chapman - Yr 7 - Digital - Polding
- Mia Chapman - Yr 11 - Polding
- Ashleah Wolfe- Yr 7 - Polding
- Ashleah Wolfe- Yr 9 - Polding
- Bridgett Wright - Yr 7 - Polding
- Charlotte Richardson - Yr 7 - Polding
- Charlotte Richardson - Yr 7 - Digital - Polding
- Charlotte Richardson - Yr 7 - Polding
- Charlotte Richardson - Yr 7 - Polding
- Izzy McAuliff-Ashworth - Yr 7 - Polding
- Izzy McAuliff-Ashworth - Yr 7 - Polding
- Izzy McAuliff-Ashworth- Yr 7 - Polding
- Poppy Richardson - Yr 8 - Polding
- Poppy Richardson - Yr 8 - Polding
- Poppy Richardson - Yr 8 - Polding
- Poppy Richardson - Yr 8 - Polding
- Poppy Richardson - Yr 7 - Polding
- Roman Murphy - Yr 7 - Polding
- Roman Murphy - Yr 7 - Polding
- AJ Manuell - Yr 11 - Digital - Xavier
- AJ Manuell - Yr 11 - Digital - Xavier
- Amity Phelan - Yr 11 - Digital - Xavier
- Amity Phelan - Yr 11 - Xavier
- Andre Bishop - Yr 10 - Xavier
- Andre Bishop - Yr 10 - Xavier
- Andre Bishop - Yr 10 - Xavier
- Billy Matthews - Yr 11 - Xavier
- Billy Matthews - Yr 11 - Xavier
- Billy Matthews - Yr 11 - Xavier
- Cheyenne Summerton - Yr 10 - Xavier
- Cheyenne Summerton - Yr 10 - Xavier
- Cheyenne Summerton - Yr 10 - Xavier
- Connor Graham - Yr 10 - Xavier
- Connor Graham - Yr 10 - Xavier
- Deaken Pagonidis - Yr 10 - Xavier
- Deaken Pagonidis - Yr 10 - Xavier
- Georgia Goodall - Yr 11 - Digital - Xavier
- Georgia Goodall - Yr 11 - Digital - Xavier
- Georgia Goodall - Yr 11 - Digital - Xavier
- Georgia Goodall - Yr 11 - Xavier
- Harrison Connely - Yr 11 - Xavier
- Harrison Connely - Yr 11 - Xavier
- Hope Jones - Yr 11 - Xavier
- Hope Jones - Yr 11 - Xavier
- IMG 2342 Billy Matthews X2
- Joshua Carter - Yr 12 - Xavier
- Joshua Carter - Yr 12 - Xavier
- Oliver Emmett - Yr 10 - Xavier
- Ruby Sumner - Yr 12 - Xavier
- Ruby Sumner - Yr 12 - Xavier
- NGT Header
- NGT Header
- Taylor Brunt Y8
- GOODMAN Noah 31831 23
- SEYMOUR Lily 32014 23
- GRAHAM Connor 32197 23
- DSC 0017
- DSC 0019
- DSC 0236
- DSC 0240
- DSC 0269
- DSC 0246
- DSC 0256
- DSC 0258
- DSC 0267
- DSC 0274
- Logo colour
- Letterhead info 2023
- Timetabler 07 2023
- Uniform guidelines
- Library Assistant May 2020
- Personal Assistant to Principal
- Student Attendance Administration Assistant Position Description
- Positive Behaviour Support Policy
- L R Taylor Atkinson Gabrielle Costin Jasmine Webster
- L R Taylor Atkinson Gabrielle Costin Jasmine Webster
- Silva Jodie
- Silva Ms Jodie
- DSC 1257
- Congratulating Taylor Jasmine
- L R Taylor Atkinson Gabrielle Costin Jasmine Webster
- Doherty Doug2020 s2
- Nagel College Bairndale 008
- Image 1
- Image 2
- Permission slip
- Questionnaire for applications
- Kokoda flyer for interested students
- DN Header
- DN Website Header
- Nagel College Bairndale 008
- 2
- Nagel College Bairndale 037
- Anzac Gift DSC 0009
- Ash Wednesday IMG 2919
- Dollys Dream DSC 0026
- Nagel College Bairndale 036
- Nagel College Bairndale 050
- 2024
- 2024
- Issue 1 Nagle News
- 2024
- Issue 1 Nagle News
- 2024 Strenna Small
- 2024 Strenna Large
- 2024 Strenna Medium
- Technology Aide Textiles
- Pastoral Teacher
- Parents handout SIMON Everywhere 1
- DSC 1786
- 2025 Curriculum Handbook
- Nagle College Acceleration Conditions
- DSC 0532
- DSC 0532
- 2025 Curriculum Handbook
- Laboratory Technician Science part time Updated
- Visitors Policy updated Jun24
- Picture1
- House Leader
- Learning Area Leaders
- House Leader
- Learning Area Leaders
- Transition Co Ordinator
- Senior Careers Co Ordinator
- Junior Careers Co Ordinator
- Data Facilitator
- Staff Induction and Mentor
- Student Leadership
- Out of Home Care Coordinator
- Director of Pedagogy and Learning
- Director of Applied Learning
- Director of Inclusive Learning
- Director of Inclusive Practice
- Director of Students
- Director of Inclusive Practice
- Director of Applied Learning
- Director of Students
- Executive Strategic Leadership Advert
- Deputy Principal Staff Wellbeing and Development
- Assistant Principal Catholic Identity and Misson
- Executive Strategic Leadership Advert
- Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching
- Assistant Business Manager
- Compliance Manager
- Human Resources Manager
- Student Services Co Ordinator
- PA To Executive Strategic Leadership Team
- Whoop x 6
- Whoop
- Beep
- Beep x 6
- Student Support Leader
- 2023 Annual Report Nagle College
- Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching v2
- 2025 Nagle College School Fee Structure
- Uniform options Revised for 2024
- Pre Employment Disclosure Questionnaire
- Pre Employment Disclosure Questionnaire
- 2025 Student Laptop Agreement Year 7
- Year 7 2025 Booklist Updated
- Student Counsellor PD
- Classroom Teacher November 2024
- Sports Coordinator Position Description Nov 2024 version
- 2025 Student Laptop Agreement Year 8
- 2025 Student Laptop Agreement Year 9
- 2025 Student Laptop Agreement Year 10
- 2025 Student Laptop Agreement Year 11
- 2025 Student Laptop Agreement Year 12
- Music Program 1
- Bus Travel Information
- Bus Application PTV Fillable
- Year 10 2025 Booklist
- Year 11 2025 Booklist 1
- Year 8 2025 Booklist
- Year 9 2025 Booklist 1
- Year 12 2025 Booklist
- Nagle College Instrumental Program
- Music Program 1
- Coffee Charism
- Classroom Teacher
- Administration Officer Events November 2024
- Discover Nagle Header
- WEB Nagle College Bairnsdale 024
- WEB Nagle College Bairnsdale 029
- WEB Nagle College Bairnsdale 042
- WEB Nagle College Bairnsdale 008
- WEB Nagle College Bairnsdale 003
- WEB Nagle College Bairnsdale 024
- WEB Nagle College Bairnsdale 015
- IMG 1191
- WEB Nagle College Bairnsdale 029
- WEB Nagle College Bairnsdale 035
- WEB Nagle College Bairnsdale 035
- WEB Nagle College Bairnsdale 015
- WEB Nagle College Bairnsdale 038
- Administration Officer Student Attendance and Excursions
- PA To Strategic Leadership Team
- School Nurse Position Description
- 2025 Newsletter Term 1 Issue 1 1
- 2025 Newsletter Term 1 Issue 2 8
- 2024 Newsletter Term 1 Issue 1
- 2024 Newsletter Term 3 Issue 7
- 2024 Newsletter Term 2 Issue 5
- 2024 Newsletter Term 4 Issue 8
- 2024 Newsletter Term 1 Issue 2
- 2024 Newsletter Term 2 Issue 4
- 2024 Newsletter Term 2 Issue 6
- 2024 Newsletter Term 1 Issue 3
- Audio Visual Technician Position Description Nov 2024 version