The Francis de Sales Learning Centre (Library) aims to build a learning community for both students and teachers and fosters a love of literature and learning.
The Centre is a welcoming and dynamic learning space that supports students in their education. These spaces are flexible in design and are responsive to the learning needs of students as learning happens in a variety of ways. In the past, libraries were once focused on books alone, however in the Francis de Sales Learning Centre students can learn together or alone, and can choose to integrate technology or be technology-free.
Students can work and read in a variety of formal and informal spaces and explore the collection, which includes digital newspapers, magazines and other databases. Library staff are committed to providing programs that inspire students to develop a life-long love of reading, and programs which respond to the evolving needs of contemporary learning.
The Centre is open Monday to Thursday from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm, Fridays 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, during recess, and at lunchtime from 1.25 pm. The Library has an extensive fiction section supporting the College reading program, as well as a large non-fiction collection supporting the curriculum.
Students may access and search the Library Catalogue from home through the Simon homepage.
All students are issued with an Identification Card very soon after starting at Nagle College. This ID card is required for borrowing laptops, books and resources through the library. It may also be used for access to student photocopiers. It should be kept in a safe place (the Student Diary has a pocket for the ID card) and taken to school every day. From 2021 this card will also be used to purchase canteen items online. Details of this ordering system are provided on the reverse side of this page.
Nagle College provides access to resources here at school to alleviate some of the pressures on busy home lives. During opening hours students are able to access printers, scanners, photocopiers and printed references and resources to aid their studies. Learning Centre staff are on hand to assist with general enquiries.
Printing Credits
- Each black and white print costs 5 cents and colour printing is 10 cents per copy
- Year 7 to 11 students are given a credit of $5 each, per term, i.e. 100 black and white pages. Year 12 students are given a credit of $10 per term. These credits are not accumulative and are reset at the start of each term.
- Any student who requires additional print credit is asked to contact the ICT Coordinator to discuss their requirements.
For further information about any aspect of our Learning Centre please contact:
5152 9906 or direct email: